Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Who should decide the membership of the Budget Recommendation Committee

     Last evening during public comment in the Board of Selectman meeting, Dennis Brady gave his view of having the Board of Selectmen decide the membership of the BRC rather than having the voters decide it through the ballot.  While volunteers can be considered under either scenario, the latter gets them on the ballot while the former could find them rejected.  Brady made the point that great care should be taken anytime a move is made to take away the rights of a voter and giving them to an official body.  The RSAs support voters' rights and give them a major voice in deciding local matters.  Having the Board of Selectmen decide on the membership of the BRC is wrong.
     Selectman Chartrand vehemently pointed out that the Board of Selectmen were not behind the proposal and that it was coming from a few members on the BRC.  While maybe not behind the proposal it is highly likely that certain Board members favor such a move and would not discourage it.  Selectwoman Gilman pointed out that any change would have to be approved by voters.  Since only about 18% to 20% of registered voters turn out in March, her comment isn't very encouraging.
     For the more aware town resident it is quite apparent that there is a practice in town to stack committees and commissions with those showing favor to specific agenda.  Voters should be concerned when they hear that there is a movement to take away a voter's right and place it in the hands of the Board of Selectmen who have supervisory control over the Town Manager who establishes the very budget that the BRC is to review.  Conflict?  You bet.


  1. This is the fundamental nature of government. Those who seek power always lust for more. You think you're "represented" in government at any level? Guess again. The _only_ solution is to eliminate government. Abolish the BRC, BOS, Town Manager, etc. It is shameful to live in a world where adults think they require "managing" by incompetent, crooked creeps like Russ Dean. If Exeter Rulers ceased ruling, the earth would not spin off its axis.

  2. I just wonder how voters should decide who is best qualified to be on the Budget Committee. Whether picked by the Selectmen and Town Manager or by the voters, I am concerned with getting the best people appointed to work on the Committee. Regardless of which selection process is used, the choosing of candidates is not supposed to be just a popularity contest or the product of a "who knows who" agenda.

    When any committee members were hand-selected by the Selectmen, I always thought it unfair to exclude other citizens, maybe not so well known, from participating. Leaving it to the voters seems to make sense, but how can the election by voters not also become a popularity contest instead of the selection of volunteers based on their abilities or qualifications? Many voters do not know who the candidates are or if those they vote for would be necessarily knowledgeable, town-oriented Budget Committee members. I would appreciate it If anyone can clarify or expand on this subject in response to my concern.

    1. One thing to remember is that the BRC is an advisory committee to the Selectmen, unlike some other committees in town, their decisions are non-binding. If you have the selectman choosing who "advises" them, what illusion of oversight there was, would now be non-existent.

      Also in the past, members have simply been accepted as a single slate. Only when there are more candidates than slots does it go before a vote. The town should be so fortunate as to even have people volunteering for this job.

  3. Serving on the BRC involves a significant, though short time frame, commitment and requires some work on the part of the participant. Hence, it is likely that only volunteers able to make the commitment will volunteer. Not everyone needs to be a number cruncher though they do need to be able to boil any discussion down to what is relevant and make a reasoned decision. It is less likely to be a popularity contest when the Board of Selectmen is not involved.

  4. In response to the second comment above, the current method, where voters choose, involves nomination at the Deliberative Session. In this way, anyone interested in serving has an opportunity to be voted in. If the Selectmen choose the BRC members, they can shut out viable candidates with whom 3 of the 5 selectmen do not like. That hardly seems right. Also, why bother with a BRC if its members are handicked by the Board? They will just go along with what the Town Manager and the Board want. If the BRC is elected, there iis at least the appearance of objectivity.
