Thursday, July 31, 2014

Suspicious activity regarding river restoration

     It has been learned that Selectwoman Gilman and member of the Heritage Commission may be taking steps to derail a project approved by the voters - dam removal and river restoration.  She wishes to replace oversight by the River Study Committee with that of the Heritage Commission as it relates to the Section 106 process.  While the latter should be a participant in the process, it does not serve the public's best interest to remove the former from oversight responsibilities.
     The Section 106 process is primarily an examination of projects where there might be an impact on historic sites.  If historic properties are found, the project cannot proceed and essentially the parties enter negotiations to reduce its impact.  This can lead to increased costs and delays which carry with them their own costs.
     Gilman, on her own, has prepared an historic inventory/study of Franklin Street and the immediate area and is submitting (or has already done so) her report to the State to seek State Historic status.  Did you know she was doing this?  Is she doing this representing Exeter residents or a small core of like-minded individuals?  Is she trying to derail the project against the will of the voters?  The cost of dam removal and river restoration is costly enough without driving the costs even higher.
     We need some transparency on her actions as she has not in any broad fashion communicated her actions and intent to the public.  It is exactly these "back room" activities that causes residents to be suspicious of Town officials' activities.  They are usually found to benefit a small minority of folks to the detriment of the majority.  Personal agendas have no place in official Town business.

1 comment:

  1. "Personal agendas have no place in official Town business."

    This, of course, is an opinion. People _in_ government obviously are personally invested. They seek power to control and extract money for their own pet projects. And, when they get a little, they lust for more. This is the libido dominandi. Town government is just as corrupt and evil as DC.
