Monday, March 2, 2015

More of the same from Chartrand

Someone brought to our attention another case of Dan Chartrand's distrust of the Exeter voters. It seems that at the last Economic Development Commission meeting, an EEDC member suggested that the EDC meet in non-public session to work on the Master Plan. Instead of pointing out that this is not a permitted use of a non-public session, Danny made a motion to "not publicize the March meeting."
It wasn't clear what he meant by "not publicize" the meeting. Since upcoming EDC meetings are seldom the subject of articles on the front page of the Exeter Newsletter, I assume he meant that Russ Dean should not post a public notice for the March meeting.  I hope that isn't what he meant, because that would be advocating a clear and blatant violation of the state's Right-to-Know law. That would be grounds for calling for his resignation.
Interestingly, according to the town's web site, the March EDC meeting has been "cancelled" (or has it?)
It's bad enough that Chartrand has so little respect for the voters that he wants to conduct secret meetings. (He has a documented history of having secret meetings with Board members.) Now he is making public statements that he wants to conduct the town's business behind locked doors.
Everyone should remember this when they go to vote next Tuesday.  Danny boy may not have an official opponent, but he is not unopposed.


  1. It's interesting that you would say that when on Wednesday there is an event that is being put hosted by the Economic Development Commission about the TIF but there isn't any word of it on the town website. Wouldn't this be considered a meeting if the members are sponsoring the meeting? Much like the TIF documentation and Article 8 - none of this was made public until a few weeks before it was put on the warrant. And at no time was it presented to the public where members of boards or voters could ask to vet the language of what is in these documents. This is a shortsided and nonpublic process that flies in the face of transparency.

  2. Put "none of the above" on the ballot, and I guarantee virtually 100% turnout.

  3. Hmmm, I saw a notice for that meeting on the Town web site days ago.
