Sunday, January 4, 2015

Sidewalks go for the "whole enchilada"

.    It is doubtful anyone would disagree that something needs to be done about the condition of our town's sidewalks, downtown and on Lincoln Street to name two locations.  Furthermore, most, if not all, are beyond repair and need total replacement.  Replacement options include asphalt, concrete or brick, in increasing order of cost. 
     It would appear, over the rational argument by two members of the Board of Selectmen and one citizen at a recent meeting, that the Town will likely proceed with writing a warrant article for a $1.2 million to replace sidewalks on Water Street and portions of Lincoln and Front Streets and a small portion in the vicinity of the String Bridge.  It would specify $580 thousand for the downtown/Front Street/ String Bridge sidewalks, with the $620 thousand remainder reserved for "future" sidewalk work. Two of the Selectmen are arguing for three separate warrant articles: $580k for the concrete sidewalks, $620k for a sidewalk reserve fund and $250k for brick enhancements as is being proposed by a private citizen.
     It is no surprise that Selectman Chartrand again ignores public input and that of other Board members by pushing to go for the entire $1.2 million in one warrant article..  After all, as he has often said, he knows what the voters are thinking and how they will vote.  Sadly there is some truth to the latter.  Exeter is a highly partisan town.  There is a voting block, representing the minority of registered voters, upon which Chartrand holds his view that he can get the necessary support.  The majority do not involve themselves in Town affairs, nor do they vote.  However, in the past, voters have turned down efforts to spend $6 million for downtown beautification.  They might balk at voting for Chartrand's proposed warrant article. 
     It should be mentioned here that Selectman Chartrand has a vested interest, as a downtown business owner, in replacing downtown sidewalks.  He is a strong proponent of downtown beautification.  It would seem he has a conflict of interest in this matter and should recuse himself from this issue. 
     It is high time that the Board of Selectmen and the Town Manager give serious consideration to public input and opinion as it reflects what many think is the more reasonable and affordable approach to resolving an issue. 


  1. I disagree with your sentiment regarding repairing sidewalks. If Chartrand and others want to improve the sidewalks in front of their stores, let them. But why should Dan Crony Chartrand get tax money for their own gain? This is just another transfer of wealth to those who work, live, and shop downtown from those who don't.

  2. The sidewalks are not a "beautification" initiative, they are a safety hazard. It is the Town's responsibility to make sure the sidewalks are safe for all. Good luck to anyone with a cane, walker and/or wheelchair navigating the sidewalks.

    1. If we have a few hazard areas then let's fix them immediately out of the current budget.
      My family hears feedback on Exeter from around the seacoast and across the country. No one has ever mentioned sidewalks!

  3. So where does this project stand in the priority list. How about solving the contamination in the town drinking water? The notice that came yesterday from DPW states that we are being piped drinking water that contains 1000 times the allowable concentration of cancer causing total trihalomethanes! Yes folks, that is not a typo. Contact Paul Roy 772 1346 at Exeter Water Dept. Time frame for the fix -by Aug 2015. Why did this become an issue?...the notice did not state.

  4. Ok, I called Paul and he confirmed that the reported contamination is 1000 greater than what his lab test data. He apologized for the error in reporting and will reissue the report. He is hopeful the long term fix of switching to artesian well water will eliminate the occurrence of any chloroform type contaminants. Thank you DPW for many years of planning for the switch to well water for the currently costly to process surface /river water! Time frame for the switch is August 2015!

  5. I don't think the author meant that replacing the sidewalk is "beautification." What he/she seems to be referring to is the attempt by those in power to spend money to do more than just replace the sidewalk with a concrete sidewalk. There has been mention of "bump-outs" at the cross walk (like the one at Town Hall) and brick "highlights." Past attempts have included fancy street lights, burying the power lines, etc.
