Saturday, April 12, 2014

The continuing saga of 1 Franklin Street.

     For those readers who do not check the Town's website for scheduled meetings, the Historic District Commission is meeting at 7 pm, Thursday, April 17th.  On the agenda are continuing discussions of Al Lampert's proposed mixed use development of his property where the garage now stands.  Al could use some who support his efforts to attend and show an interest and speak out at the appropriate time.  The review of his plans by the HDC has gone on long enough.  It is time he receive approval to proceed with demolition as the construction season has started and time is a wasting.


  1. It's time to start refusing to pay property taxes and to stop begging permission from the Town Rulers to use one's own property.

  2. The planning board approved Al's other properties for development in two meetings and a site walk which for the extent of the development was quick and with very few changes to the plans. The two properties are now for sale.
