Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Good News

     Great Bay Kids Company (GBKC) has decided to build a new facility in Exeter on land purchased on Epping Road.  While it is likely those that voted earlier this year to allow them to build on Town owned land on the recreational field felt it would keep GBKC in town, market forces is likely to have driven their current and correct decision.
     Again one can can see development will take place in town when conditions are right for development.  While the Exeter Economic Development Commission seems to continue to focus attention on the downtown, we see developers heading for Epping Road, first with Al's Automotive, then a microbrewery and now GBKC.  We seem to have plenty of potential developers for Epping Road.  Perhaps it's time to look at sewer and water service extension?  Clearly new development on Epping Road would provide the payback.


  1. "Perhaps it's time to look at sewer and water service extension?" How can you support extending government spending in one area but not in another. This is self-contradictory. The market is _always_ better than government. _Always_. There should be competition for utilities.

  2. I agree Publius with your claim- private development will take place when conditions are favorable.
    Is Exeter government reading the simple observable trends of private investment when allocating tax dollar infrastructure investment? If not, why?
