Saturday, April 26, 2014

Train Station Welcome Center

     A meeting of the Train Committee is scheduled for Monday, April 28th at 5 p.m. In the Chamber of Commerce office.  The agenda includes an update on the Welcome Center project.  As noted in a previous posting, money is still being spent on this project.  The question should be raised whether this is a viable project given the likely high cost.
     Also on the agenda is a discussion of the parking situation at the train station.  This is by far the bigger issue.  The shortage of parking has created issues for merchants in the area.  It undoubtedly stands in the way of increasing ridership and the long term viability of the Downeaster.
     Public input is sorely needed to influence the actions of this committee.  Setting priorities for future proposed spending in light of other costs facing taxpayers is of the utmost importance.


  1. Thanks for that heads up, Publius. It would seem highly valuable if the Welcome Center served to orient train travelers and certainly other newcomers to Exeter. Ideally more than a waiting room with pamphlets and electronic tickets, I can see periodic volunteer help or a phone tied to a knowledgeable volunteer. If this a downtown business generator then the mission statement is on target.

    1. Exactly how many travelers will take the train to Exeter solely because we have a waiting room with a bathroom? People traveling from Exeter already have a waiting area - it's called their car. It keeps them warm in the winter and cool in the summer. It keeps them dry in the rain and they are entertained with the music of their choice. I would love to see the study that demonstrates that ANY train traveler to Exeter will come here and shops BECAUSE we will have a bathroom at the train station. How could anyone possibly believe that fixing up the baggage building will be a "downtown business generator"? (and I am a big supporter and sometimes user of the Downeaster.)
