Friday’s Exeter News-Letter had a front page, feel good story about an Exeter firefighter’s battle with his excess weight. While his perseverance to lose weight is admirable, the real story should have been: Why was he allowed to be a firefighter weighing 342 pounds?
He admitted that he could not climb a ladder in full turnout gear during an emergency. Doesn’t anyone else see that this man could have put people’s lives at risk? If he couldn’t climb up the ladder, how was he supposed to help someone else climb down a ladder to safety? The safety of a fire fighting team relies on each individual being completely fit to meet the demands of the job at hand. While this particular firefighter should have taken personal responsibility for his weight issue and inability to meet the requirements of his job, the focus here is on Fire Chief Comeau and the Town Manager.
Where was our Fire Chief? Where was our Town Manager? Didn’t they see what was painfully obvious to any casual observer? At 342 pounds, this person should not have been on active duty. Are there any others in the department that have similar performance problems? The Chief will probably try to use this as an excuse to get the physical exam money he was refused by the Budget Committee last year. This has nothing to do with an examination by a doctor. It has to do with personal and departmental accountability.
Someone in management should be taken to task for allowing this gentleman to have put himself and others at risk. The Chief is yet again trying to sell taxpayers on the need for a sub-station to reduce engine response time. He should be concerned about his firefighters being fully qualified to do the job when they arrive on the scene.